Jeff MacDougall

Making music... so you don't have to.

A few weeks ago I posted a YouTube video of a song written by Jon Brion titled "Your Birthday's Over" in response to many passing birthdays. As it happens, yesterday was Jon Brion's birthday, so I thought I would re-post the video here. Enjoy! (Hope you had a good one, Jon!)


Thank You

Three years ago, I wrote a song for my wife while she went head to head with breast cancer. I finally decided to recorded it and am now releasing it on my Bandcamp page. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of this track through 2009 will go to, the only national nonprofit organization helping families affected by hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. Thanks for listening! (and for donating!)

<a href="">Thank You by Jeff MacDougall</a>

I've been meaning to do this post about our new community site for months now, but I've been super busy with our new community site.

After some discussions with Mike Lombardo, we have decided to start a community site for artists not unlike ourselves. It's called Too Much Awesome and you can find it here. We have also started a companion podcast and are on our 4th episode where we interview everyone's favorite uke player, Molly Lewis. Other episodes include Russ Rogers and Paul and Storm. You should head over there right now and sign up. Everyone is doing it.


A Mile High

Continuing with my FourTrack Sessions I offer you "Mile High". While waiting for our flight from Las Vegas back to Burbank, I jotted down a song idea. Once in the air, I excused myself to the bathroom, launched my FourTrack app on my iPhone and recorded this song. As far as I know, its the first song recorded on FourTrack from an airplane.

Thanks for listening!

Mile High <a href="">Mile High by Jeff MacDougall</a>



Tired of simply listening to my music over and over again, stopping only to eat and sleep? Don't worry, now you can play my songs ala Guitar Hero! Some of my music is now available at Just click on the link and follow the instructions. WARNING: This game is a little addictive.

Thanks for listening! (and playing)

P.S. New FourTrack Sessions coming soon...


I'm still here...

...just way too busy.

I've been asked by several people if I will be competing in the next installment of Masters of Song Fu. The answer is no. I simply have far too much on my plate at the moment to participate in this round. I do, however, expect to be entering the next one.

What do you have on your plate, you ask?

At the moment, I am recording a CD of "kid friendly" pop music for toddlers (I have three children under five, if you were wondering what my motivation might be), mastering my first EP (not for kids), and writing another albums worth of material to release as my first official "Album". Not to mention a contribution to Viva La Fry and a few custom songs for some friends and fans. While I LOVE doing the Song Fu thing, I have come to realize that entering into every round is keeping me from finishing up these other projects.

In other news: I have a few more songs from "The Four Track Sessions" that I will be uploading soon, a new music store, and plan on doing some YouTube performances in the near future (requests welcome).

Also, my wife is evolving her blog to talk more about life and how to find beauty in all the chaos. Check out

That's about it for now. I may be heading out to Boston for a couple of months and am considering doing some shows. These would be the first live performances I've done in over 10 years, so it should be real "treat". If you live in the North East and want to come out and hear me, let me know.

Thanks for listening!


The Final Round!

It looks like this is going to be the final round for me in this edition of Song Fu... (but go ahead and vote for me anyway!) Thanks to everyone for their support and votes. Head on over and give all the songs a listen. It's definitely worth it... and besides, it's free music!

Here is my latest submission:

It All Makes Sense At The End &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;a href=""&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;It All Makes Sense At The End by Jeff MacDougall&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;


Alright already!

I have finally updated and added my music to my YouTube page. I am hoping to start making some videos. Make some comments. Perform some songs, etc. Want to see or hear something specific? Let me know. Thanks for listening!


New Song!

I recently wrote and recorded a new song as part of's Red Nose Day celebration. "Do Something Funny for Money" is this years slogan, I believe. Thanks for listening!

Nerdy Cougar &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;a href=""&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;Nerdy Cougar by Jeff MacDougall&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;


A Little Relief

... Comic Relief, that is. Today is Red Nose Day, folks. A day where everyone (at least across the pond) does something funny for charity. My little contribution is going up over at while Ken Plume and Widget Walls do a 24 hour, on camera marathon for the cause. They have a heap of celebrity guests lined up and it should be quite a ride. Check it out and donate, won't you?

The songs for round two are up and ready to be heard! Give them a spin, pretend to carefully consider voting for each and every one, then cast your vote for me. Thank you.

Seriously, there are some pretty good offerings this time around. I am pleasantly surprised at the outcome given the challenge of only using 10 words to create a song. Give all the songs a listen, won't you? After all, it's free music.

Listen and cast your vote here!


NapCast #5!

After a brief hiatus, I join my wife for another episode of NapCast. Give it a listen here. Enjoy! head on over to the Masters of Song Fu songwriting contest and cast your vote! The competition is stiff this time 'round so I can use all the help I can get. Thanks for listening! (and for voting!)

It's that time again. has launched round 3 of their Masters of Song Fu songwriting contest. I couldn't help but notice that the competition has become, well, bigger. They have a sponsor, more talent than ever before (gulp) and a new master in the line-up: Neil Innes. For those who don't know, Mr. Innes was responsible for much of Monty Python's music as well as a little project called "The Rutles". He has been a hero of mine since I was a kid so, needless to say, I am very excited (and nervous) about this particular cycle of the contest. The song we need to write for this first round has one simple rule. We need to write a "happy" song. That's it. So I have a question - What is "happy" to you? (Or more to the point... do you have any ideas? 'cause it's been a busy week and I need to get crackin'.) Check out the contest and the other contestants and stay tuned. I'll post again when the songs are up and ready for voting on.

In other news, I have updated my blogs look. (what do you think?) My new album is coming along nicely, but it's taking longer than expected. Also, look for a new Napcast very soon. Thanks for listening!

Wonder what I think about the drama surrounding T-O this week?

Want to hear Jackie's challenge to everyone's favorite anonymous commenter?

Well then you're in luck! Napcast: Episode 4 has all the makings of a made-for-TV movie... drama, suspense and even some bad acting. Plus: If you listen now, you'll even get to hear sweet Lucy's debut Napcast appearance. Straight from her mama's lap, of course.

Click here to head over to to listen!


NapCast Episode 3!

... is up and ready for your unrelenting criticism. Click here to head over to to give it a listen.


Episode 2 of NapCast is up and ready for your listening pleasure. Check it out here on my wife's blog... and please give us some feedback. Thanks for listening!



So, the wife and I have been talking about doing a podcast for as long as there have been podcasts... but with 3 kids under 4, how do you find the time? Nap time of course! So now, at the start of a new year, we present to you NapCast. A short, weekly (we think) podcast about quality of life, music, media and of course... parenting. We will have interesting interviews with people who have gained insight into the secret to living (and not just surviving) in this chaotic time. Here is our premiere episode. It's a little rough and we are still working on the format... but we wanted to get it out there to kick off the new year. Enjoy!

NapCast Episode #1

You can also catch the podcast on my wifes blog here. Let's not just survive 2009, let's make it amazing!


