Jeff MacDougall

Making music... so you don't have to.



So, the wife and I have been talking about doing a podcast for as long as there have been podcasts... but with 3 kids under 4, how do you find the time? Nap time of course! So now, at the start of a new year, we present to you NapCast. A short, weekly (we think) podcast about quality of life, music, media and of course... parenting. We will have interesting interviews with people who have gained insight into the secret to living (and not just surviving) in this chaotic time. Here is our premiere episode. It's a little rough and we are still working on the format... but we wanted to get it out there to kick off the new year. Enjoy!

NapCast Episode #1

You can also catch the podcast on my wifes blog here. Let's not just survive 2009, let's make it amazing!




Jordan Carroll said...

I've got quite a few years to go before I'm a parent, but I'll give it a listen anyway! :D You might want to get it set up on iTunes...
