Jeff MacDougall

Making music... so you don't have to.


I'm still here...

...just way too busy.

I've been asked by several people if I will be competing in the next installment of Masters of Song Fu. The answer is no. I simply have far too much on my plate at the moment to participate in this round. I do, however, expect to be entering the next one.

What do you have on your plate, you ask?

At the moment, I am recording a CD of "kid friendly" pop music for toddlers (I have three children under five, if you were wondering what my motivation might be), mastering my first EP (not for kids), and writing another albums worth of material to release as my first official "Album". Not to mention a contribution to Viva La Fry and a few custom songs for some friends and fans. While I LOVE doing the Song Fu thing, I have come to realize that entering into every round is keeping me from finishing up these other projects.

In other news: I have a few more songs from "The Four Track Sessions" that I will be uploading soon, a new music store, and plan on doing some YouTube performances in the near future (requests welcome).

Also, my wife is evolving her blog to talk more about life and how to find beauty in all the chaos. Check out

That's about it for now. I may be heading out to Boston for a couple of months and am considering doing some shows. These would be the first live performances I've done in over 10 years, so it should be real "treat". If you live in the North East and want to come out and hear me, let me know.

Thanks for listening!


Mike Lombardo said...

Oh sure, now you go to Boston. Right after I leave.
Let me know anyway, maybe we'll be able to meet up somehow.

Emperor Gum said...

I tried to write something profound with this comment, but stuff it. You are my favourite Song Fu musician, and I finally scrapped the money together to buy everything you've recorded. I'd like to say I'm sorry you're not doing Song Fu anymore, but honestly it gives me a better chance of getting in and I guess you'll have a chance to finish off other projects. Are any of the Song Fu track going to appear on this new album of yours, or is it all original? Anyways, I'm going to play along to 'High' on my D-stringless guitar. Rock, rock on, Mr Mac!

PS. love the new music store, hate that the different audio options made me feel ignorant.

Jeff said...

Thanks Emperor! I really appreciate the support. The new album will be all new material. I love doing Song Fu but it skews my actual writing style a bit because you are forced to stay within some guidelines. For the record, I have not "quit" Song Fu, I'm simply taking a break this time 'round to give myself a chance to catch up on other musical projects. I hope you get into the next Song Fu. I'll be looking (listening) for you. Thanks again!

Emperor Gum said...

You're welcome. Uh, when people call me Emperor I feel like an idiot. Gum please, or Graham, I guess. Anyways, if you start hearing bass clarinets, arpeggio guitars and poorly constructed percussion programs, that'll be me. All the best!

Monica said...

Boston for a couple of months?! yay!! Definitely let us know when/where you'll be :)

Jordan Carroll said...

Good luck! Do good! I know that when all is said and done you'll be able to look back at all the amazing songs you wrote.
