Jeff MacDougall

Making music... so you don't have to.



So, a lot has gone on since my last post. I've lost in the finals of the Masters Of Song Fu competition. Although, I got 44% of the vote (which is really more than I expected going up against Jonathan Coulton), I'm definitely happy with the outcome and I want to thank everyone who took the time to vote for me. Turns out, the Masters of Song Fu #2 starts on August 5th--I am going to take another run at the title, so keep on listening!

In other news, I am currently working on several songs... some for an EP I will be releasing soon. Also (after being inspired by the Song Fu contest) I'm toying with the idea of having fans (all three) enter to be the subject and inspiration of a new song...the song would be dedicated to the winner (and of course get a free copy of whichever album it ends up on) It would be something I would do on a regular basis (ala JoCo's Thing A Week) and all ideas are absolutely welcome.

Regarding my Almost Live Request Thursdays... I've had to put that on hold as trying to learn new cover songs just takes up time that I could be recording new material. I will, however, be shooting videos of live versions of some of my new songs, so check back soon!



Anonymous said...

Great song man! yes I'm a JC fan, but I'm glad it led me here...makes me want to make my own music now!

Jordan Carroll said...

Hey, you did GREAT in the finals! I was sooo close to voting for you...but I couldn't pass up the dog. :(

How would we enter to be the subject of a song? I'd very much like to do that!

Anonymous said...

I looked into the Song Fu competition because of reading Jonathan Coulton's Blog. I've been very impressed with your entries.

You had my vote for all entries, except it was a difficult choice between you and Coulton's entry in the final challenge.

I'm definitely interested hearing more original songs from you

Jeff said...

Thanks for the compliments! I hope I can do as well in MoSF #2.

@the ploogle
I am still trying to figure out how it's going to work. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know...

