Jeff MacDougall

Making music... so you don't have to.

It's the moment you've all been waiting for! The two songs for the final round have been posted and it is time to vote. Here's the thing... I'm not going to ask you to vote for me. I want you to go and vote for your favorite. Jonathan Coulton did an amazing song and if you like that one better then you should vote for it. The point is to go and enjoy some new music. You won't be disappointed. And thanks again for listening!



Bill said...

Wonderful song sir. I've listened to it too many times tonight, I think I owe you a post of appreciation. And so you have it.

Anonymous said...

It's a great song! For some reason I really like the line, 'there's nothing left to engineer.' I haven't decided which one to vote for yet, but I have decided that you should take more of your music out of the closet. I mean, look at you, head-to-head with Jonathan Coulton, Internet Superstar, and all the hordes of people (and zombies) who discover you because of it only have one more song to buy. I want more!
