Jeff MacDougall

Making music... so you don't have to.

Here it is. The final challenge in the Song Fu Songwriting Contest. I am both excited and terrified by this challenge and once you read this, you may understand why. Wish me luck. (i'm gonna need it)

The Challenge:

THE REIMAGINING (aka THE RECKONING): For this final duel between Master and Challenger, we’re going to combine a little bit of all the previous challenges. For this ultimate show of skill, adaptability, and personality, you will be given a preexisting song. Your task is to completely reimagine that song with your own lyrics and music - while retaining the same basic story and at least some sonic “cue” or “quote” from the original tune (a short phrase or series of chord changes; the key word here is “brief”). THIS IS NOT A COVER - you are crafting something more akin to an homage, but with your own creative voice. Here is the song you’ll be reimagining:


You will be judged on how closely your reimagining hits the basic “story points” - spaceman goes up, spaceman talks with control, spaceman goes for a walk, spaceman disappears - but beyond that, anything goes.

The song must be at least 1min 45sec, and must be an original creation.

The deadline for delivery of the song is 11:59pm EST on THURSDAY, JULY 24th.

So there you go. I will have my nose to the fretboard soon. Thanks for listening!



Monica said...

good luck!!

Kay said...

I am so glad you went back to your music. I remember you sitting at the keyboard and creating your own stuff. My cousin is great. :)
