Jeff MacDougall

Making music... so you don't have to.



So, today I got an e-mail from a vendor telling me that I need to get my stuff on Napster. That if I didn't, it was like throwing money away. Needless to say, I'm a little skeptical. I was wondering what everyone else thought. I haven't even glanced at Napster since it was a legitimate, illegitimate service. What about you? Do you or anyone you know use Napster to buy your music?



Anonymous said...

Well, I never even used Napster when it was illegal, and I don't use it now. I just went to their site to find out more about how their system works, but all they have is a subscribe form, so I went to wikipedia. Seems like it's possible to download stuff to keep rather than just subscribing, so I might possibly consider buying stuff from them if it were available in my country, which it isn't. I don't know anyone who uses it, but then, most of the people I know aren't in the supported countries. There are a lot of people in those countries though, so it's probably still worth putting things on Napster if it's not too difficult to do so. They sure seem to have a lot of revenue, so either they're very popular or they charge a lot of money and don't give much of it to the artists.

I do, however, buy music from iTunes (even when it has DRM), and whatever other download stores that I find out about from the artists I'm interested in. I tend to discover music through, The FuMP, Jamendo, SongFight, or competitions that Jonathan Coulton enters. :^)

Anonymous said...

Yeah...Um...That is a horrible idea. Napster is like the armpits of musical sales, sometimes you remember it's there. I like iTunes to a degree, but nothing beats CDs or vinyl.

Michael said...

"Throwing money away"? Um ... I don't think so. I've never used Napster--and now that I've discovered your work (thanks to Song Fu I), I'm inclined to purchase directly.

JFo said...

Napster still exists?! ;)
I dont' think I've met one person on my campus who has napster.
