Jeff MacDougall

Making music... so you don't have to.



So this morning I went to the Apps Store on my iphone, downloaded an app called FourTrack and proceeded to test it. The following mp3 is what I created... Did I forget to mention that I did all this on my drive to work! It took me about 15 minutes from download to final mp3. This application is awesome. I suggest anyone who is into audio or songwriting to pick up this little gem. It's a really great find.

For everyone imagining that I was swerving from lane to lane trying to type on my smart phone... It should be noted that I didn't do this in moving traffic. Most of it was done sitting still in bumper to bumper traffic on an LA freeway. Safety first.

<a href="">FourTrack by Jeff MacDougall</a> FourTrack

Want to hear more songs from "The FourTrack Sessions"? Then head over here.



Anonymous said...

gonna go get that now...

Anonymous said...

Oh man. Now I wish I hadn't taken my IPhone back to AT&T.

Jordan Carroll said...

No joke, I added this to my iPod. It's surprisingly amazing and catchy for a song talking about nothing except why it's being sung. You might want to consider writing a *real* song based off of this's pretty dang catchy!

Anonymous said...

I needed an idea for something to write really quickly, and I'd also just got a new music-related toy (not FourTrack, but a program I wrote to get my Mac to sing, since I can't) so I basically copied your idea and wrote a song about writing a song using the new toy.

It mentions your FourTrack song and goes on to explain how little I know about music (which should already be obvious to anyone listening to the thing) and thus how inferior my little ditty is to yours. It took more than 15 minutes (partly because I was still debugging the program) and could not possibly have been done on the way to work, since it uses a MIDI keyboard. Anyhow, it's here.
