Jeff MacDougall

Making music... so you don't have to.


...And We're Back

Some of you may have noticed that things have been a bit quiet around here lately. I just thought I would do a quick post to let everyone know that I am still here and that things are going to get "not so quiet" very soon. Over the last month I have adopted a beautiful little girl, started a new day job, and have been wrestling with my computer, which decided it was done. I am happy to say that I just got my computer back (after a few weeks of being cut off from the online world) and now it is a very happy machine, ready to do my bidding. So... stay tuned as I take over the world get back on track with more music.



James O'Brien said...

Sweet, can't wait to hear more stuff. You should compete in Song Fu again.

Jordan Carroll said...

I was beginning to wonder if you had quit! I should have known...

Looking forward to new stuff.
