Jeff MacDougall

Making music... so you don't have to.

It's the moment you've all been waiting for! The two songs for the final round have been posted and it is time to vote. Here's the thing... I'm not going to ask you to vote for me. I want you to go and vote for your favorite. Jonathan Coulton did an amazing song and if you like that one better then you should vote for it. The point is to go and enjoy some new music. You won't be disappointed. And thanks again for listening!


Here it is. The final challenge in the Song Fu Songwriting Contest. I am both excited and terrified by this challenge and once you read this, you may understand why. Wish me luck. (i'm gonna need it)

The Challenge:

THE REIMAGINING (aka THE RECKONING): For this final duel between Master and Challenger, we’re going to combine a little bit of all the previous challenges. For this ultimate show of skill, adaptability, and personality, you will be given a preexisting song. Your task is to completely reimagine that song with your own lyrics and music - while retaining the same basic story and at least some sonic “cue” or “quote” from the original tune (a short phrase or series of chord changes; the key word here is “brief”). THIS IS NOT A COVER - you are crafting something more akin to an homage, but with your own creative voice. Here is the song you’ll be reimagining:


You will be judged on how closely your reimagining hits the basic “story points” - spaceman goes up, spaceman talks with control, spaceman goes for a walk, spaceman disappears - but beyond that, anything goes.

The song must be at least 1min 45sec, and must be an original creation.

The deadline for delivery of the song is 11:59pm EST on THURSDAY, JULY 24th.

So there you go. I will have my nose to the fretboard soon. Thanks for listening!



Thank You!

I just wanted to give a big thank you to everyone that went and voted for me in the Song Fu songwriting contest. I couldn't have made it through without you. I'm in the finals! Which basically means I'm going up against Jonathan Coulton, head to head. I don't know what the final challenge will be but I will update everyone once I know. Thanks again and wish me luck.


...for me! The songs have been submitted and the voting has begun for round two of the Song Fu Songwriting Contest. You can go here to listen and vote for your favorite song. Thanks again to everyone who voted for me last round. Lets hope I can make it through this one. The winner of this round goes head to head with a "Master". Either Jonathon Coulton or Paul and Storm, depending on who wins the masters challenge. VOTE! (please) Thanks!
