Jeff MacDougall

Making music... so you don't have to.

So, here are the rules for the second challenge in the Song Fu songwriting contest:

Here’s where we step things up a notch. Your challenge is to write a song that utilizes a repeating syllable (ex: la, na, doo, etc.). The syllable must repeat at least 5 times in a row (ex: la la la la la). The resulting “repeated syllable” phrase can appear anywhere in your song, but must be repeated in full at least 3 times within the song. Also, this challenge includes a thematic element. Your song must feature a conflict between two (2) elements, provided below. You must choose one (1) element from COLUMN A and one (1) element from COLUMN B.


Santa Claus

Miami Dolphins

Stephen Hawking

A Beach Towel

High School Physics


The Color Orange

A Toothpick Factory

Marc Singer










Your Kindergarten Teacher (must be named)

Albert Camus

Non-Alcoholic Lager

Doc Hammer

Your song must be at least 1m45s in length. Finally, your song must be an ORIGINAL CREATION, both music and lyrics, and can not utilize or sample a preexisting work. All songs are due no later than 11:59pm EST on Tuesday, July 1st. If you have any questions whatsoever regarding details of the challenge, please drop us a line and ask.

I think I have figured out what I'm going to do. Let's hope it sounds as good recorded as it does in my head. Gonna start trying to work it out tonight. Wish me luck!


So, some of you have been asking - what's up? where did you go?

I'm still here. Last week I had some equipment problems and dental issues. This week, I have a bad head cold and when I sing it sounds like I have a balloon over my head. Next thursday I will be back with two (thats right, two) songs for A.L.R.T.

In the meantime, please enjoy this old post of a Kinks cover.



On To Round Two!

First off, I want to thank everyone who went and voted for me. I couldn't have made it to round two without you. Really. I couldn't.

There was a lot of talk about how certain contestants weren't playing fair. Did parodies instead of wrote songs from scratch and that maybe they shouldn't be aloud to continue. I was one of those mentioned. Here's the thing...

I agree.

Don't get me wrong. I am very happy to be continuing on this adventure and eager to put up some serious mojo to prove that I'm not a Weird Al clone. But after reflecting on the whole thing, I wish I had gone a different route. I was feeling guilty about (potentially) knocking out a great song (Cloakie, I'm looking at you). To the credit of the Judges, they have come up with a very fair solution. Click here to read more about that.

Thank you again for your votes and for listening. I'm looking forward to making you a proud supporter of me for the next round.

Okay, maybe I should just make it "Almost Live Request Fridays" since I can't seem to get my act together and actually post on Thursdays... but then I would probably start posting on Saturdays, so I guess I should just try a little harder.

This week I got a lot more requests. I even got two of songs I had never heard before. One of which is a Richard Thompson song. Beautiful. Still trying to get that one on it's feet so look for it in the coming weeks.

This week I went for a Crowded House request, Four Seasons In One Day. Enjoy.

(as much as I don't mind e-mails for requests, it's simpler for me if you request in the comments section. Thanks!)
