Jeff MacDougall

Making music... so you don't have to.

The Good News:

I am currently in Taiwan waiting to meet my new daughter, Lucy. In less than 24 hours we will pick her up and start the final steps of the adoption process. And by Friday, we will be on our way home with our new little girl! I can't really explain in words just how exciting this is. Those of you who have adopted or had children know what I mean. You can read more about our journey to Lucy here.

The Bad News:

I was hoping that before I got on a plane to Taiwan, the next challenge of the Masters of Song Fu would have been posted and I could knock something out. Alas, I got off a plane half way around the world to discover the new challenge and it's due date... (the day I get home). I have no musical instruments with me, no recording equipment, and no time. And frankly, even if I did happen to have a guitar and a mic, there is no way I would lock myself away to record music during the first days of meeting my new little girl. So... I must withdraw myself from the latest installment of MoSF.

I plan to enter MoSF #3 when the time comes and I also have some other projects in the works, so please keep checking back. Good luck to the remaining challengers (and masters). May the best Fu win!


Kate said...

Congratulations! If there was ever a great reason to withdraw from a contest, this is it!

(Although I will say I was looking forward to your next song-- "High" actually makes me cry.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great reason to bow out of the Fu. I've been reading the Taiwan Lucy blog - you must be over the moon. I'll see you in #3.

Kate's right - "High" is a killer tune, and it inspired me to get involved in the Fu.

Rusty said...

Congratulations. You will be missed from the Fu Madness #2. But you have the best reason for bowing out I can imagine. Looking forward to hearing you back in Fu #3. Song sung Fu, everybody knows one!

James O'Brien said...

best reason to bow out i can think of, best of luck to you
