Jeff MacDougall

Making music... so you don't have to.

I know, I know. It was Thursday yesterday. Life's bin a bit crazy and I let the day get past me.

This week I got a few requests for Radiohead, but no specific titles. So, I just thought I would play one of my favorites. Enjoy!

(and don't forget to request in the comments section)


"Song Fu" Week One

Here is my submission to "Song Fu" for week one. Let's hope I make it to week two. Wanna know more? Click here.

Listen to it here:<a href="">Jeff MacDougall Dot Com by Jeff MacDougall</a>

Here it is... the first video for a requested song. I will do this every Thursday until I can't take it anymore (or people beg me to stop because they are just too embarrassed for me).

The first request comes from my beautiful wife, Jackie. A live version of Song For Lucy. Thanks for watching and remember to put in a request for next Thursday in the comments section.


It's On People!

I have been selected to compete in a new song writing competition! Masters Of Song Fu! Myself and 19 other "challengers" have been selected to go head to head with JoCo and some others in a series of songwriting challenges (if you know who Jonathan Coulton is without having to consult Google or Wikipedia, then welcome to my site fellow music nerd). I will keep everyone updated on my progress (or lack thereof). You can click here for more details. Bring it!


Happy Birthday!!

My eldest turns 4 today! Here he is at build a bear creating a new friend. He went with a doctor bear. I was hoping for a musician. What kind of crazy upside-down world do we live in? Next thing you know, he'll be begging to do his homework before playing video games.

So here's the deal...

In an effort to A) blog more often, and B) play music so that people can listen to more than just the one song that I put out (so far), I have decided to take requests. Every Thursday I will choose a song and play it "almost live" and post the video on the blog for everyone to enjoy (and/or make fun of). Just make a request via the comments section or e-mail me. No request is too obscure or crazy. So what are you waiting for? Let me know what you want to hear!


On A Personal Note

All last week I have been at home with my kids while my wife has been in Taiwan visiting our daughter Lucy. The adoption process is taking forever so my wife said, "enough" and got on a plane. Watch her video diary here. You can read more about our adoption journey here.
